
I'm currently in the process of recreating all my pages according to a new unified design language, as you can see in effect with Alexia, Fjori, and Vashi's carrds.Race: Altmer
Gender: Female
Height: 6'3
DOB: 19th Morning Star, 2E something
Born: Firsthold, Auridon
Age: idk yet
Religious Proclivities: Aldmeri pantheon
Alignment: Lawful Good








Alinare, Ali for short, whose full name is Alinare Vaerinil 'len Valiana Ceyara Farwe 'ata Reluncil Salynarel Quaranamor 'cal Anayma-Vaerinil, begins her life in the mid Second Era in Firsthold in the middling class just above the menial class but not part of the upper classes. Her parents were artisans and mages employed by Firsthold's aristocracy for all manner of things involving both the practical and artistic use of magic. Both her parents met through employment in this field. Alinare's father was of clan Vaerinil, and her mother of clan Anayma, thus her Anayma-Vaerinil calan name.Alinare had the usual strict Altmeri upbringing and was encouraged (sternly) to become a healer for the city's temple. Alinare, of course, obliged, and was enrolled in Firsthold's <University name> for study in Restoration and a minor study in Alteration. She learned the ins and outs of the restoration school, both how to mend wounds and give them.She would continue her education while in employment to the temple working a somewhat comfortable career as a healer for a few decades.However, in 2E 580, the alliance war began, and the new queen needed soldiers in the battlefield. Alinare joined the Dominion military as a combat healer, and fought and healed in skirmishes across Cyrodiil and within the Imperial City for 5 years before she retired from the war.Her initial opinion of the war was optimistic and certain, absorbing Ayrenn's war propaganda like a sponge. By the end, however, Alinare was a cynic and saw the war as something that the other two alliances should have squabbled fruitlessly in without the Altmer losing good men and women for a cause they didn't benefit from. She still supported the existence of the Dominion in a militarized world where the races of men fought for control of the world, she simply wished the races of the Dominion had formed a defensive pact rather than an offensive war force.Alinare, who was never one to question the legitimacy of the monarchy, nevertheless had a negative opinion of Queen Ayrenn, and was simply waiting for her to croak and a new heir be appointed. She personally and retrospectively supported Prince Naemon for King, and is saddened by his death.After she retired from the war, Alinare was approached by a Thalmor Justiciar and extended an offer to join the ranks of the Thalmor for her stellar combat experience and leadership capabilities, as well as for having experience outside of the Isles, dealing with the other races. Alinare, of course, accepted, and was inducted into the party as an agent. After copious training, Alinare was assigned to a division within the Thalmor that operated outside of the Isles for intelligence gathering and, in rare cases, diplomacy.Alinare, still in support of the existence of the Aldmeri Dominion, was assigned to Elden Root at first, but would frequently be reassigned to areas outside the reach of the Dominion once she had established a reputation within the Thalmor. Operating outside the purview of the higher level administrative core gave her many more freedoms in her line of work. She often employed unorthodox methods according to her own tastes.


Mind the broken arm, Skyrim pose mods all suck





placeholder for armor

placeholder for weapons + extras